sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

Halloween vocabulary

Hello. Im a little late with this halloween vocabulary, but here you have.I like you like it.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

The types of instruments

Hello; ) this are the types of instruments.

The instruments

Hello, this are the  instruments. : ) ( ;                                                                                                                                                                                

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015

Fox and the frogs

Fox es el protagonista de estos cuentos, es un zorro muy listo y con ganas de ayudar. Os va a gustar.  

It is a hot day. Fox is walking along the bank of a river when he sees a car. He stops to look and he sees a man walking from the car to the river bank. Fox cannot believe his eyes: the man is dumping an ashtray full of cigarette butts on the water! Fox is horrified.

 "I must teach him a lesson", thinks fox, so he sends a dog with a massage for his friends the frogs. 
When the frogs arrive, Fox is hiding behind an olive tree.

"Look at that!", says Fox, pointing to the man. "We mast teach him a lesson". Theman is now taking rubbish out of the car and dumping in to the river, so Fox is very angry: fish are dying with all that dirt in the water!The frogs jump into the water.

 They pick up the butts and jump back into the man's car. The window is open, so they drop the butts through it. Then, helped by fox and the dog, they collect the man´s rubbish and drop it on top of the car. "That will teach him a lesson", Fox thinks.

The man runs toward his car, but it´s too late:there are boxes, plastic bags and broken bottles everywhere. Old shoes and socks are hanging out of the windows. 

The frogs and the dog say goodbye to Fox, who is under the olive tree watching the man. He is cleaning his car. He then packs all the rubbish and drives away in shock."Yes", says Fox. "Take it home and try living with it!"

Fox returns home and on the way he thinks: "Is it impossible for  man to live in peace with nature? Is it impossible for man not  to harm forests, not arm animals?"

Once at home, Fox promises to continue the fight and falls into a deep sleep. He dreams of birds and dolphins, crocodiles and donkeys. He even dreams of people, because they are in danger too. Fox will help them all.

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Spring words

My favourite  season is spring. In spring there are beautiful flowers and nice weather.

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

One Carnival history


The history of masks and the Carnival's laws

The history of masks and the Carnival's laws Venetian masks were used to hide and protect their wearer's identity during promiscuous or decadent activities, but they became also the symbol of transgression and freedom from the severe social rules imposed by the Serenissima Republic.

The original Venetian masks were rather simple in design and decoration and they often had a symbolic and practical function.
Masks were often used to protect gamblers from giving away indiscrete looks, especially to avoid their creditors, or by "barnaboti" noblemen who went banrupt, begging on street corners.

From the early 14th century, new restrictive laws started to be promulgated by the Venice Government, to stop the relentless moral decline of the Venetian people.
This carnival legislation proscribed masqueraders at night, forbade men from entering convents dressed as women to commit "multas inhonestates" and forbade masqueraders from carrying arms or entering churches.
To restore morality in Venice and to avoid the incentive of immoral behavior of its citizens, the Republic obliged them to wear a mask only during the days of carnival and at official banquets.
Masks were allowed from the day after Christmas, which marked the beginning of the Venetian Carnival, to Shrove Tuesday which marked its end, but were forbidden during religious feasts.
As well as during the Carnival period, Venetians wore masks during the fortnight of the Ascension, and ended up wearing it, with a few exceptions, half-way through June.
During all major events, such as official banquets or other celebrations of the Serenissima Republic, was permitted  to wear a mask and a cloak

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Hello, here you have the weather, windy, snowy,sunny, cloudy, rainy,drizzly and foggy...Happy week.

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015

The History behind the three Wise Men

      Here you have a Christmas story                                                                                                                                                          
      Aquí teneis una historia de Navidad

After Jesus was born, Wise Men came to look for Him, probably from an area which is now in either Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or the Yemen. Although they are often called the 'Three Kings', the Bible does not say how many there were, or that they were kings. One theory is that they might have been Kings of the Yemen, as during this time the Kings of Yemen were Jews. Three is only a guess because they brought with them three gifts: but however many there were of them, they probably would have had many more servants with them.
They were definitely men of learning. They were certainly men of great learning. The word Magi comes from the greek word 'magos' (where the english word 'magic' comes from). Magos itself comes from the old persian word 'Magupati'. This was the title given to priests in a sect of the ancient persian religions such as Zoroastrianism. Today we'd called them astrologers. Back then astronomy and astrology were part of the same overall studies (and 'science') and went hand in hand with each other. The magi would have followed the patterns of the stars religiously. They would have also probably been very rich and held high esteem in their own society and by people who weren't from their country or religion.
They had seen an unusual new star in the sky, and knew that it told of the birth of a special king. No one really knows what the new star is the sky was, and there are many theories including comets, supernovas, a conjunctions of planets or something supernatural! Find out more about the star in the Star of Bethlehem page in the Christmas Customs section.
Legends are told about them and they have been given names. This is how they are often described:
  • Gaspar (or Caspar), who has brown hair and a brown beard (or no beard!) and wears a green cloak and a gold crown with green jewels on it. He is the King of Sheba. Gaspar represents the Frankincense brought to Jesus.
  • Melchior, who has long white hair and a white beard and wears a gold cloak. He is the King of Arabia. Melchior represents the Gold brought to Jesus.
  • Balthazar,who has black skin and a black beard (or no beard!) and wears a purple cloak. He is the King of Tarse and Egypt. Balthazar represents the gift of Myrrh that was brought to Jesus.
Herod asked the Wise Men to find Jesus and tell him where he was, not so he could go and worship him as he said, but so he could kill him! He thought that Jesus sounded like a new King that could come and take his power away.
The Wisemen visiting Jesus When the Wise Men found Jesus and Mary, they would have been living in a normal house in Bethlehem, because by this time Jesus would have been aged between one and two. Then they gave their gifts to him. The gifts seem quite strange to give to a baby, but Christians believe that they had the following meanings:
  • Gold: is associated with Kings and Christians believe that Jesus is the King of Kings.
  • Frankincense: is sometimes used in worship in Churches and showed that people child worship Jesus.
  • Myrrh: is a perfume that is put on dead bodies to make them smell nice and showed that Jesus would suffer and die.
The gifts are also all things that come the east of Israel in Arabia. When they were about to go to tell Herod where Jesus was, they were warned in a dream not to, so Herod could not carry out him horrible plan.

jueves, 1 de enero de 2015