sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015

Fox and the frogs

Fox es el protagonista de estos cuentos, es un zorro muy listo y con ganas de ayudar. Os va a gustar.  

It is a hot day. Fox is walking along the bank of a river when he sees a car. He stops to look and he sees a man walking from the car to the river bank. Fox cannot believe his eyes: the man is dumping an ashtray full of cigarette butts on the water! Fox is horrified.

 "I must teach him a lesson", thinks fox, so he sends a dog with a massage for his friends the frogs. 
When the frogs arrive, Fox is hiding behind an olive tree.

"Look at that!", says Fox, pointing to the man. "We mast teach him a lesson". Theman is now taking rubbish out of the car and dumping in to the river, so Fox is very angry: fish are dying with all that dirt in the water!The frogs jump into the water.

 They pick up the butts and jump back into the man's car. The window is open, so they drop the butts through it. Then, helped by fox and the dog, they collect the man´s rubbish and drop it on top of the car. "That will teach him a lesson", Fox thinks.

The man runs toward his car, but it´s too late:there are boxes, plastic bags and broken bottles everywhere. Old shoes and socks are hanging out of the windows. 

The frogs and the dog say goodbye to Fox, who is under the olive tree watching the man. He is cleaning his car. He then packs all the rubbish and drives away in shock."Yes", says Fox. "Take it home and try living with it!"

Fox returns home and on the way he thinks: "Is it impossible for  man to live in peace with nature? Is it impossible for man not  to harm forests, not arm animals?"

Once at home, Fox promises to continue the fight and falls into a deep sleep. He dreams of birds and dolphins, crocodiles and donkeys. He even dreams of people, because they are in danger too. Fox will help them all.